Funny Neighbor Stories
ROSEMOUNT, Minn. (KMSP) – It’s yet another instance of a neighbor puling a gun on a neighbor. This time, it happened in Rosemount, Minn. while a father was teaching his 7-year-old daughter how to ride a bicycle. Gary Drake, 61, is facing second-degree assault and terroristic threat charges after he was accused of brandishing a shotgun on Daytona Way last week.
“I’ve never seen a gun come out of that house ever,” Helgeson said. Allison Nelson saw the arrest. “We look over and he’s in handcuffs,” she recalled. “He’s walking to the cop car.” According to the criminal complaint, Drake didn’t like the way the father was teaching his daughter to ride a bicycle. “I guess Gary came out and was trying to give tips,” Helgeson said.
The father told Fox 9 News he’s still shaken by the encounter. He explained that when he and his daughter got down to the cul de sac, Drake began yelling from his porch. When the father responded to say, “I’ve got it,” Drake allegedly said, “If you don’t like my advice, get off the street.”
At that point, Drake appeared to get angrier — but as the father and daughter prepared to leave the area, Drake allegedly went inside his home, grabbed a Remington 870 shotgun, pointed it at the father and threatened to kill him.
Drake’s wife eventually came out and pulled the gun away, but police said he didn’t appear repentant when he was booked. In fact, he allegedly told officers, “Maybe next time. I should have shot him.” Charging documents state that Drake admitted to drinking all day, but he denied that it influenced his actions.
San Marino Mayor Dennis Kneier got into trouble over the weekend after tossing a bag of doggy doo-doo on his neighbor Philip Lao’s yard. Unfortunately for the southern California official, Lao’s surveillance camera caught him in the act, and Kneier was forced to apologize for the incident.
San Marino Mayor Dennis Kneier had been walking with his wife Liz that day when he noticed the bag by a lamppost. Instead of disposing of it, he threw it onto Lao’s doorstep— something the neighbor felt was done intentionally, as the two have been at odds in the past. Lao has a large “No Poop Zone” sign in his yard that neighbors repeatedly asked him to remove, and he has been staunchly against a proposed dog park in the area.
So when Lao checked the footage to see how the paper bag of dog poop got on his property, he was upset when he found out that it was the Mayor Kneier. “We have not been able to sleep at night for a while because of this,” Lao told The Los Angeles Times.
However, Kneier said what happened was unintentional, and he never intended to fling the refuse onto his neighbor’s property. “I didn’t think about it. It was not premeditated. Nobody put a gun to my head and said put it down there,” the mayor explained. He added that he wasn’t concerned about the proposed dog park or the sign.
“Rather than leave it or dispose of it properly, I placed it on your side walkway,” the mayor wrote to his neighbor Monday. “This was a mistake, for which I apologize. It won’t happen again.” Lao has not accepted Kneier’s apology, saying the mayor is “lying” about how the events took place. He plans to address the City Council during their regular meeting Wednesday.
KENNEBUNK, Maine — Police are looking for a man they say left threatening notes in the mailboxes of two families in town.
A Kennebunk mother said she stopped with her children to pick up the mail Wednesday when they discovered the note in her mailbox. It read: “I will not stay away from your kids, Your friend, pervert.”
Lt. Dan Jones said police believe the letters were hand-delivered to the mailboxes sometime Tuesday evening by a man on foot.
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Sheriff’s deputies are investigating Justin Bieber for yet another dispute with a neighbor that could land him in court.
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s spokesman Steve Whitmore says Bieber has been named as a suspect in a misdemeanor vandalism and assault crime report for allegedly throwing eggs at a neighbor’s home in their gated Calabasas neighborhood Thursday evening.
The 19-year-old pop star allegedly egged the house while his neighbor and neighbor’s daughter were on the balcony. Whitmore says the two videotaped the incident.
Whitmore says Bieber won’t speak to deputies. Depending on the damage estimate, a charge could rise to a felony. In October, prosecutors declined to charge Bieber after a neighbor complained he drove recklessly through the area. Messages left for Bieber’s representative, Melissa Victor, weren’t immediately returned Sunday.
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SOUTH EUCLID, Ohio — The man accused of bullying his neighbor for the past 15 years is standing at an intersection here with a sign that says he bullied disabled children following a judge’s order.
Aviv, who pleaded no contest to a fourth-degree misdemeanor charge of disorderly conduct, is ordered to stand at the intersection until 2 p.m. with the sign that says: “I AM A BULLY! I pick on children that are disabled, and I am intolerant of those that are different from myself. My actions do not reflect an appreciation for the diverse South Euclid community that I live in.”
Court records say Aviv feuded with neighbor Sandra Prugh during the last 15 years. Prugh has two adult adopted children with developmental disabilities, cerebral palsy and epilepsy, a husband suffering from dementia and a paralyzed son.
Records say the most recent case stemmed from Aviv being annoyed at the smell coming from Prugh’s dryer vent when she did laundry. Court records say Aviv tried to sue the family in 2025 because the smell bothered him. The case was thrown out. Shortly after, Aviv dumped fabric softener on Prugh’s lawn, the letter says.
Court records say Aviv made a device that linked kerosene to a fan in his garage. The fan blew the smell onto Prugh’s property, reports say. Prugh called police on April 9 and April 11, 2025, reports say. Firefighters and police discovered the kerosene contraption and made Aviv dismantle it, reports say.
Prugh’s letter to the court says that in 1998, Aviv jogged past her and spit on her. He later spit on her again while she was planting flowers in her backyard, the letter says. Aviv later called Prugh a “monkey momma,” according to the letter. The letter says Aviv used the slur while she held her two adopted African-American children with disabilities. Prugh also claimed Aviv regularly threw dog feces on her son’s car windshield and once smeared feces on a new wheelchair ramp the family built for their disabled children.
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