


Well, Jacksonville Florida…one of you lucky winners has a middle aged hairy man running around (perhaps prancing) wearing pink underwear he buys in person at Victoria Secret for a neighbor. He has self branded himself as the ‘Jax Panty Guy’ (even has his own watermark) and if I had to guess, he’s getting horny RIGHT NOW thinking about how many of you sickos are checking him out. We did a little google search on the guy…

“Not as fun as some of the other submissions but hope you like it.”

- Richard “Jax Panty Guy”, Jacksonville, Florida


  • http://neighborshame.com jeffrey stone

    His cute panty would fit me perfect !! Its not fair… guys love girl things to !! Jeffrey…. twin lakes wi.

  • http://neighborshame.com jeffrey stone

    His panty would fit me perfect !! Guys love girl things to !! Jeffrey.. twin lakes wi…

  • DrPepper

    Stay classy Jacksonville.

  • lordofthegadflies

    Happiness is Florida…in my rear-view mirror.

  • Picklestink

    If Richard the Panty Guy and Jeffery were in the same room together at the same time the universe might implode. I for one am rooting for the universe.

  • fleeper

    Can’t be a real man no skid marks

  • Richard

    I just love being out and about in my panties

  • Beth

    People don’t realize just how many crazy people live here in Jax!
    So glad I haven’t seen this one running around yet.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by jeffrey stone on 2024/01/25 at 6:57 pm:

    His cute panty would fit me perfect !! Its not fair… guys love girl things to !! Jeffrey…. twin lakes wi.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by DrPepper on 2024/01/25 at 11:45 pm:

    Stay classy Jacksonville.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by lordofthegadflies on 2024/01/26 at 6:35 am:

    Happiness is Florida…in my rear-view mirror.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Picklestink on 2024/01/26 at 5:10 pm:

    If Richard the Panty Guy and Jeffery were in the same room together at the same time the universe might implode. I for one am rooting for the universe.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by fleeper on 2024/01/26 at 6:06 pm:

    Can’t be a real man no skid marks

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Richard on 2024/01/27 at 5:06 am:

    I just love being out and about in my panties

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Beth on 2024/01/27 at 12:20 pm:

    People don’t realize just how many crazy people live here in Jax!
    So glad I haven’t seen this one running around yet.

  • Gracious

    Shouldn’t that be headless Jax Panty Guy?

  • Jax Pantyguy

    I was strolling through the park one day ………….

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