


This is the Shame Notice we mailed to the ‘WATCH UR BACK’ guy. Judging by the comments on the post, I think it’s safe to say he got our mail (he was pretty offended by the YouTube Video):


  • doctor stinkstah

    I banged my ex wife in the back of that truck in 2025. thestinky dot com

    • Pay Back

      Now I no were that old condom came from. Lol

  • Pay Back

    I’m not offended at all I think its funny like I said come back in the summer and i’ll put the toilet back on the 8 foot pole so you can get the full effect. My neighbor across the street was upset that you sent him that letter, feels that its no ones busness what you do on your property. He was more upset than me I told him I thought it was funny.

  • Pay Back

    This site is an example of what makes America great u have the right to do this and I’m fine with that , the only thing that upsets me is you don’t have the balls to identify yourself u hide like the little cartoon that you use as your trademark…. Be a man or woman as the case may be.

    • doctor stinkstah

      I think this site is run by a hot chick with a smelly vagina. That’s just my guess. thestinky dot com

      • Pay Back

        I think it drives a 1999 ford taurus .

    • winston smith

      THIS is what you think makes america great? please move to mexico & make them feel good too.

      • Pay Back

        And again what an Asshole .

        • winston smith

          your erudite answer has changed my mind. don’t move to mexico, the standards there are much to high.

          • Pay Back

            If this is what you d for entertainment I feel sorry for you..

  • rt75

    I got one of the letters mailed to me. I live in this neighborhood. I’ve seen this. It’s his property he can do what he wants on it. I’ve seen him around. He waves. Doesn’t bother anyone. If I had to look at it I’d probably discuss it with him but I don’t so I couldn’t care less. I’d be willing to bet no one has. I’m a lot more annoyed by the big stupid yellow dog that keeps getting loose in the neighborhood, terrorizing chickens, and shitting all over the place. I will say, having seen the dude, if he was standing in front of you, you probably wouldn’t be running your mouth.

    • winston smith

      why are YOU running your mouth off? if you don’t care, shut up & let the people that do make fun in peace.

      • Pay Back

        What an Asshole .

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