


Neighbor Shame would like to remind you, that with all the crappy neighbors out there – there are still good ones! You can see our collection of Nice Neighbors HERE!

Got a good neighbor? Send us a pic! neighborshame@gmail.com!


- Justin H. 

Portland, Maine

  • Joshua

    Still not seeing the shame.

    • Then leave

      Why are you here then fucktard? Can you not fucking read?

      • Sonja

        So, just what is, as you say it, a fucktard? I certainly can read. I just don’t understand what looks like Ebonics. Is that the root of fucktard? Ebonics?

        • MikeW08

          Fucktard = a fucking bitch, named Sonja, that flicks her bean at home by herself, because nobody would fuck her with somebody’s else dick. See, I can put commas in my sentence, too.

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