


  • troof be told

    yeah, thatll show them….


  • Kathy

    That is awesome!

  • EMB

    There is one passage in the bible that mentions the “sin” of being gay. Why don’t these people follow the other passages? Like love thy neighbor and if they work on Sunday kill them. I also think there is one about death to anyone wearing two types of fabric at once.

    It’s not a book to take seriously. At best take the moral message of decency and move on.

  • Lady Anne

    Hooray for Aaron Jackson!

  • Dagashi

    So “god hates Americans” EXCEPT for this very small select group??
    I find the Westboro Baptist Church some of the most hilarious and entertaining people I’ve ever seen!

  • Bud

    I can only imagine that group of church folk likes to keep their race “pure”. So how inbred are they?

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