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  • Lady Anne

    “Leave the killing to us” makes perfect sense as a pest control slogan. It’s a shame to see some of those lovely old Victorian house fallen into such a state. Makes you wonder what the original owners would think if they could come back and see their homes now.

  • Killer Klown

    Why is this even on here? This isn’t the ghetto….also the site is “Neighbor Shame” not the “Black side of town from a group of white kids who think they are straight from Compton”

  • snake

    Yeah, that Ali Baba house would be a treasure if the neighborhood had been maintained. Its a shame.

  • medicontheedge

    Parkville and the Park/Newpark area, right? The part of WH that the more tony part pretends doesn’t exist.

  • malinda

    Haha only someone from the ghetto, would say this isn’t ghetto. I want to take a screen shot of these houses and that comment haha haha ha… ha

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Lady Anne on 2025/01/28 at 10:26 am:

    “Leave the killing to us” makes perfect sense as a pest control slogan. It’s a shame to see some of those lovely old Victorian house fallen into such a state. Makes you wonder what the original owners would think if they could come back and see their homes now.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Killer Klown on 2025/01/28 at 2:31 pm:

    Why is this even on here? This isn’t the ghetto….also the site is “Neighbor Shame” not the “Black side of town from a group of white kids who think they are straight from Compton”

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by snake on 2025/01/28 at 8:04 pm:

    Yeah, that Ali Baba house would be a treasure if the neighborhood had been maintained. Its a shame.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by medicontheedge on 2025/02/03 at 12:57 pm:

    Parkville and the Park/Newpark area, right? The part of WH that the more tony part pretends doesn’t exist.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by malinda on 2025/02/03 at 5:47 pm:

    Haha only someone from the ghetto, would say this isn’t ghetto. I want to take a screen shot of these houses and that comment haha haha ha… ha

  • PublicWifi

    Obviously one “69” wasn’t enough. I was confused until I saw the other one.

  • Someone

    Wait this is just hartford not west hartford

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