


“Can’t wait for the new neighbors to move in…” - Trish

New Hampshire


  • BB

    Trish, seeing how the house is under construction, could it be possible that the sign was put up by the contractor and not the new neighbors? Maybe the contractor is trying to deter people from stealing supplies, like copper, while the house is being built.

    I know, it’s a crazy thought. Lol!

  • Bionic Bonnie

    I know Trish. And I know the house. My boyfriend and I stopped there and had anal sex in the roughed in bathroom. It was mind blowing. We did not come across any dog though. We did focus the camera on the bathroom! (We are budding exhibitionists!)

    As far as Trish is concerned, she is a confused young woman. She is still trying to guess if she is a lesbian. I keep telling her that if she chews on the cooter, that usually makes a gal lesbian.

    Speaking of lesbians…

    What do you call a lesbian with fat fingers?

    Well hung.

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