


“This guy must live in my apartment complex and always parks like a VIP. The note reads LEARN TO PARK IN A NORMAL SPOT SHITHEAD! ANY QUESTIONS I LIVE IN 12B COME FIND ME. I hope he does come knock on my door. I don’t even give a fuck.” 


- Andrew, Maine


  • BB

    Well, Andrew, maybe you should care. What will you do if you come out to your car some morning and there are four flat tires or a scratch on your car? No proof of who did it, then no call to the police. I think you’re asking for more trouble than you want.

  • murphys

    Hey, that’s a mean trick to play on the poor guy who really lives in 12B !

  • snake

    There’s always some dickhead who thinks he’s special and can park wherever he wants. One should always try not to accidentally rub against their car with the keys hooked to ones belt loop.

  • Doc

    Judging by his metrosexual car, he’s not going to be knocking on any doors.

  • dan

    I fully expect him to be driving some nice, but douchey car. But it’s just a shitty dodge.

  • EMB

    I would not tell him where I lived. Who knows if he is nuts. There are people who will do 5-10, sit in there and come out learn nothing and act out again. This guy could be willing to do that for this. Hell this is America there is a good chance he has a gun.

  • Jasin

    Maybe when he parked there all other spots were taken so he made due with what little space he could.

  • Nonono

    The driver is parked at the back of the lot and is not blocking anything. There are no signs saying parking isn’t allowed there. I don’t see a problem.

  • Hap

    I truly understand being frustrated by having to deal with someone who, for any reason, is a self-centered jerk. The problem there is that, of course, the person, being a self-centered jerk, is psychologically not in line with certain norms. How far out of line the individual is, is the question. You could definitely find yourself with a problem if you run into someone who is doing such things because he actually is trying to generate a reason to get into it with someone else (which is not uncommon). Also keep in mind that some people will break rules because they’ve done something like gone informant, which means they are immune to retaliation, as the police will just ignore any complaints against them and sometimes even actively defend them in their behaviors. Contrary to most films and television, bravado and attitude aren’t necessarily effective tools in correcting behavior of jerks.

  • Miasma

    he’s blocking the last guy on the left. and if any more cars fill up that lot he will have a heck of a time getting out.

  • fred

    Pour a bottle of brake fluid all over his hood.

  • Nikita

    Pee on his door handles :) that’s what I would do!!!

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