


Who really gives a shit what we think about this garage mural? You know what to do.

- Pittsfield, New Hampshire


  • David

    Y’know, the train mural is kinda cute. I gotta laugh about the home improvement center shed being used for a garage and actually attached to the mobile home with the bay window.

    How many cliches can we get in one picture?

  • BB

    The mural is actually nice. What’s the problem? The problem is the neighbor who took this photo trying to shame a neighbor. THAT is the problem but it does give us a good laugh.

  • Nonono

    I don’t see a problem. Personally, I like murals.

  • Doc

    Ah, yes. a two thousand dollar mural on a one thousand dollar building.
    kinda like when n****** put 3 thousand dollar rims on a 500 dollar civic.

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