


“OMFG, that’s a pink-ass house!”

- J.P., Sanford, Maine


  • Lady Anne

    Well, Pepto-Bismol wouldn’t be my first color choice, but at least it’s neat and tidy. Could be worse. At least it makes a great landmark – Turn left at the pink house. Can’t miss it.

  • Doc

    Lady Anne;
    Pretty much what I was thinking.

  • Bubba

    Why is this a neighbor shame? I don’t care for the color, but really, neighbor shame?

  • Taiga

    there used to be a house THE SAME DAMN COLOR around the corner. the second house has since been painted a less shocking shade of lavender.

  • zendaddy621

    Clearly not the ‘little’ pink houses John Mellencamp sang about…

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