


This is yet another in-flight project going nowhere. Basketball Hoop is looking lively… do people actually raise their kids in filth like this?

- Wakefield, New Hampshire


  • Picklestink

    Meth Much?

  • snake

    I can’t make out any power lines to the weatherhead. Looks like they may be living there sans electricity.

  • Six Pack Genius

    I noticed the same thing Snake.

  • Lady Anne

    I used to do deliveries for a food pantry. Believe me, I’ve seen kids raised in worse. And let’s just say the way the parents talk to their children is reflected in the way the house looks.

  • Doc

    Is it just me or do a large portion of these pix seem to come from New Hampshire?

  • a b

    i wish i had a 2-story home. #thehighlife

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