


“My white trash neighbors decided to camp out in the parking lot of our condominium for the weekend. I guess Staycations are in this year!”- FR

  • BB

    I honestly don’t see anything wrong with this. They’re out of the way and not being inconsiderate about it. They have a camper, so they’re using it for a change of scenery. Granted, they could’ve gone to a campground since they’re not too expensive, but if they don’t have the funds, they made do in a creative way. I guess the person who submitted this would also poke fun at kids who camp out in the backyard. As with half of the submissions here, this one’s a FAIL in my book. People need to stop being overly-judgemental asses and submitting stupid photos for their little bit of fame. “Hey! That’s a photo I submitted to Neighbor Shame! Anyone want my autograph? I’m famous and you’re not!” Lol!

    • Doc

      i agree. if you read deeper into it you might get this:
      the people camping in the picture and the d-bag who submitted the picture obviously make stupid decisions. they “bought” a condo…no one “buys” a condo. you pay, what, $100,000 for the privilege to pay rent to the real owners of the condo. maybe after they thought they bought the condo they realized they were going to have to continue to pay “rent” or whatever you have to pay. now they don’t have enough money for a vacation.
      only an idiot would “buy” a condo.

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