


“Got this note this morning from the Asian neighbor below me” - Joe

Acton, Massachusetts


  • mensa58

    I’ve been the downstairs neighbor before, and situations varied from a case where the upstairs guy honestly didn’t realize how much the noise carried (which I hope is your case) to the “I don’t care, I do what I want” neighbor. If the downstairs guy is hesitant to do confrontations he should contact the manager, who can explain to him what’s reasonable noise and what isn’t.

  • Lyzzie

    I can understand him. I like the note, it was very kind.

  • Kevin Harris

    Asian neighbor mentions Dance Dance Revolution. ;) But yeah I can relate to this guy just because every time I visit my mom I hear what sounds like a full court basketball game in the apartment above her apartment.

    • Morticia Marina

      Where have you been that you think Asians are the only ones who play DDR?

      • Morticia Marina

        Asians and virgins. But virgins don’t reproduce…so who cares.

  • Lela T

    This was a well written note. Asian or not, doesn’t matter. The person explains that they’re a bit shy and not likely to make the first knock on the door. And going to the building manager/landlord first can com off as dismissive. I personally would rather the person to come to me first than to hear it from my landlord. Well done!

  • Victor Officer

    Seems pretty respectful to me.

  • Rob

    Shame on you for being so damn loud and rude! Not thinking of others.

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