


“I saw my disgusting neighbor and her fat sister haul this pink mattress outside on the other side of their fence probably 3 weeks ago. I shudder thinking about what took place on this thing. I can’t believe the town or police have just let this shit just sit here.” -TM. 



  • Long John

    I banged that fat sister on that pink mattress! A lot.

    I drove past there this morning and the mattress is still there! So is the stain!

    Anyway, the sister really isn’t that fat and quite a ride!

  • Yourrealdad

    Maybe they are thinking if they leave it out in the cold for a few weeks it will kill all the bedbugs, lice, maggots and other assorted cooties. Then they can bring it back in.

  • BB

    I always find it amusing that people have the energy to snap a photo, post it to an internet website and whine like a bitch about it, yet that can’t figure out how to place a call to local authorities.

    • BB


    • Julian

      @BB… There are people that really live by doing the right thing, but I don’t know what that is, I’m really curious about that. I’m really curious about what people think they’re doing when they’re doing something evil, casually. I think it’s really interesting, that we benefit from suffering so much, and we excuse ourselves from it.

      I don’t think you should ever say anything that you’re going to have to apologize for later. If the heat gets hot, just let them get mad. How did somebody make you apologize? Did they literally hit you on your body? Let them be upset. It’s not the worst thing in the world. It doesn’t mean you’re going to be a pauper. It’s a desperate thing to need everybody to be really happy with everything you say. To me the way to manage is not to have 50 versions of yourself. I do this thing, and the next time you’re going to hear me is the next time I do another one. As soon as you crack your knuckles and open up a comments page, you just canceled your subscription to being a good person.

  • Teddy Ballgame

    is this Worcester?

    • Steve Kammerer

      Looks like it

  • Missy

    Trash from trash.

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