


There’s a reason most stores have a ‘no shirt no shoes no service’ sign on their door. They don’t want piglets running around contaminating the place! I blame the parents.

Downtown Rochester, New Hampshire


  • Brandon Drew Pitts Emberton

    You obviously have never experienced the joy of walking barefoot on a nice cool day. They’re not at any store, nor bothering you (The picture taker). Get the bug out of your arse and mind your own business.

  • Nonono

    There is nothing wrong with with these two people at all. Leave them alone and go find something constructive to do.

  • Artur C. Pewtey

    What’s the difference between the downside of a bare foot and the downside of a shoe? Are you blaming people for contaminating a place with their shoes?
    I didn’t want to be your neighbor…

  • M. G.

    Old school, kinda free styling….barely wore shoes when I was a kid, and NO, we weren’t country bumpkins. Nothing wrong with going shoeless at times like this, but I do think there is something wrong with the big putdown. Just put down the cell camera and enjoy two free spirits!!

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