


“We lived in the upper half of a duplex and our crazy neighbors piled every piece of tacky crap into our shared lawn as you can imagine. Small wire fences, barrel pots, arches, ceramic deer and even a pink flamingo (not pictured). Not only that, but they were awful to live above. They called the police on us twice for “walking loudly.”

- Washington


  • Nonono

    That’s an issue for your landlord. Besides, that stuff on the lawn is well kept. I personally wouldn’t put this stuff out, but that’s a difference in style. Try talking with them socially. Make an effort to get to know them and be nice. The noise complaints will likely stop. It may also open communication between you so you could ask politely about a change in decor.

    • murr1066

      Why do you need to talk to them socially about this? Why can’t people just have the stuff that they want in THEIR yards? Why do you take yourself and your dumb, whacked, freaking stupid, liberal ideas and shove the right up your ass? Let people alone. Geez. Mind your own fucking business.

      • Martina Finley

        Because it isn’t “their” yard! The lawn belongs to both parties.

        • murr1066

          Dear Martina,

          Sweetie… you really need to mind your own fucking business with these things. I am guessing, my dear, that quite often you stick you nose right where it does not belong. When you rent a duplex, you have to take it all. If you want something different, go buy your own place and you can run it any old liberalized way you want.

          I think that is what they call, umm, life.


          • tykmftgu,ktru

            This forum, like that yard, is PUBLIC space, meaning it is PUBLIC business. kthxbi! Thank you for supporting Obama.

          • Jimmy

            Ohhh!!!! I think we’ve found the “downstairs neighbor”!
            But the lawn belongs to whoever mows it. Period.

          • broketaxpayer

            Murr1066, what business is it of YOURS? You blew your cover when you got all upset about the comments regarding your lack of good taste and neighborliness which, if you haven’t guessed by now, is what this site is all about. Actually, dearie, the LANDLORD makes the decisions about his/her property. BTW, I own my own home and a rental cottage.

  • Jake

    I would have complimented them on it. Make a big fuss about how quaint and nice it is, maybe even add a couple of items to it. Then in a few months drive by in someone else’s car and steal the whole mess and throw it in the dumpster.

    • Doc

      Jake, I like your style.

  • Kevin Harris

    That fire hydrant is pretty tacky. I would call the fire department and complain about that. Yellow, seriously?

  • Victor Officer

    You are RENTING a half duplex. You have to SHARE the yard. Who cares if they put doo-dads that you don’t like!!! If you want a yard that looks the way you want, buy a house. Meanwhile, shut up and quit walking so loud.

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