


“My shameless neighbor Steve, goes through my garbage looking for ”stuff he can use” UNBELIEVABLE !!!”

- Alex Neal

  • Heh

    Tell him to go through your recycling instead. There shouldn’t be anything of value in your trash.

  • Del

    Start dumping used kitty litter in general garbage bags……that will stop him.

  • marty

    I had a neighbor like that. used to leave a big mess after. I wrapped a hefty round my ass, and shat a big one. he leaves them alone now.

  • i forgot

    Ever heard of calling the cops? For all you know this guy could be trying to find something on it with your personal info. Like your account number or ssn number.

  • Boris

    Put some really nasty stuff in the bags

  • http://neighborshame Marley

    Dude, maybe he should check your “shrubs” looks like YOU need to clean your shitty yard up !

  • BB

    Call the police? LMAO!!! Sorry, but they won’t do one darn thing. It’s garbage!!! How do you think the sleazoid tabloids get some information on celebrities. It’s garbage, out by the curb and anyone can go through it, if they so choose.

    Looks like this is in New York, going by the car’s license plate. That would explain it because in New York, you will find the cheapest Jewish people, with no pride, in the world.

  • Picklestink

    Two words to stop this crazed lunatic. Broken glass. That’ll fix him.

  • Nonono

    Who cares? As long as he isn’t leaving a mess. One person’s trash is another person’s treasure.

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