


“Gotcha! I can’t figure out which house or apartment she lives in on my street, but I’ve caught her letting her dog shit on my lawn twice so far!”

- Mallory

  • broketaxpayer

    OMG! That’s a “she”???


    Not surprised, look how the dog owner let her dog get over-weight. A large dog like that should not be on an easy walk harness. Idiots.

  • murphys

    Well no offence but it’s a ratty looking hood. It’s like where Lassie would go to buy crack.

    • Milkshake

      Wow, judgey much. I know good, hardworking people who live in neighbourhoods that look like this. Sorry, not everyone gets to live in gated communities. BTW, whenever someone says “no offense” you know whatever you are going to say will be offensive, so just don’t.

  • VeniVidiDerisi

    Dog walkers are predictable. This fat bitch will be on your lawn again during the same time. Get an airsoft rifle and shoot her ass a couple of times. She’ll stop walking her dog down your block.

  • LisaL

    Rig up some kind of water cannon and let loose next time she even glances at your property!

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