


Rude. This must be a realtor’s nightmare. How would they even prepare a potential buyer for a showing at the house? ‘Well it’s a really nice family home in a great neighborhood, we’re just going to have climb through all the trash in the front yard to get inside… please try to keep an open mind once we get inside’.

- Annapolis, Maryland


  • scott watkins

    Bad ass Blazer, those are rare these days. Is it for sale?

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by scott watkins on 2024/02/01 at 6:02 pm:

    Bad ass Blazer, those are rare these days. Is it for sale?

  • Andrew Karpinski

    May be a good deal if they threw in the K5 and a trailer to haul the junk.

  • Pay Back

    That k5 is worth some money

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