


If the mustache pirate looking man on the shed doesn’t spell creep, the stuffed animals hanging from the clothesline clears up that debate. Can somebody be normal AND live at this house? You be the judge… although we say hell to the no.

- Bangor, Maine


  • Bud

    Define normal

  • Lady Anne

    OK, so they have kids who like to play Cowboys and Indians, and maybe a couple of toddlers, so mom’s washed their stuffed toys and hung them out to dry. Big deal.

  • macncheese

    I don’t see the problem here.

  • Ann

    So what’s wrong with this one? Looks pretty clean and kid-friendly to me…?

  • troof be told


    …the blog creators and the people that took this picture.

  • Nonono

    I don’t see the problem. These folks appear to be fun!

  • Les

    My parents friends built a teepee in their backyard for their kids and we thought it was AWESOME!

  • john

    The people who live here are actually pretty nice. They have a ton of kids and I was friends with the oldest.

    • Kathy H

      that was what I was going to guess… They are probably pretty epic parents

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