


“A family in our neighborhood has a fountain that everyone else on the street think looks like a toilet!  They have a spotlight they shine on it at night as if its the Mona Lisa lol.”

- B.M., Connecticut


  • doctor stinkstah

    I know a guy who shakes off his dingle berries in that commode. thestinky dot com

  • BB

    Once again… Ummmm, so? And? It doesn’t look bad and is quite ornamental.

    It seems that some of these contributions are from people who are desperate to have their photo on a website. Gee, I’ll bet they’re proud now and show all their friends! It’s soooooo impressive! lol!

  • wcw

    does anybody else think that it’s slightly ironic that the person complaining about a toilet fountain has the initials B.M.?

  • Nonono

    Ye Royale Throne

  • jake

    Rig up the plumbing and water supply and you make that into a nice toilet for your fancy bathroom.

  • Fuldermox

    That’s a fucking toilet. It’s where the Mayans used to shit before the end of the world in 2025.

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