


Formally known as the ‘Porsmouth Parrot Guy’ after some research, Myles Bratter was spotted over the summer by a friend of the staff riding his motorcycle in the Portsmouth, New Hampshire area. Here’s an interesting article we found about Myles Bratter and Rainbow:

Myles Bratter and his mild-mannered macaw, Rainbow, will attempt to make history this weekend in support of a local food pantry.

Bratter is trying to create a new record for driving around a race track with an untethered bird. He said he plans to try to make three laps around the race track; the distance and speed portion of the record will be determined by his ride. He said his plan is to be at the race track at 10 a.m., take pictures with people, and then have volunteers walk around the track and collect donations for both the Seacoast Family Food Pantry and the Speedway Children’s Charity.

“I’m hoping we can raise a lot of money,” Bratter said. Bratter said he’s been riding with Rainbow for 17 years now. He said he and his feathered friend have been together Rainbow’s entire life.”I raised her from an egg,” he said. “The first thing she saw when she hatched was me.” In the past, Bratter said he’s been able to use Rainbow to raise funds for organizations like The Salvation Army. Bratter said people would often donate money to pose for pictures with Rainbow resting on their shoulders.

“We’ve been taking pictures for almost 17 years now,” he said. “All the money we collected out there was going to a worthy cause.”



  • BB

    Neighbor shame? Hardly. He’s more “Neighbor Proud.” I would LOVE to live next door to this guy!

  • Joey BadaBing

    delivering the funny looking Turkey, just in time for thanksgiving

  • EMB

    Nothing shameful here. Although I wonder how miserable the bird is on a motorcycle. But bikers can be really nice people, he does not belong on this site.

  • Oogie

    Dogs love car rides, why wouldn’t a bird like a bike ride. Looks pretty happy in the picture.

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