


“This guy that lives a couple doors down prefers to sit shirtless on his porch while he pounds beers and ‘people watches’ I guess??  My husband was able to take this close up picture of him and it def looks like he’s hardcore picking his nose. I hate my town… “

- M.R., Milo, Maine


  • Heh

    Well if you’re in Northern Maine at least there are 5 months out of the year that he can’t do this.

  • Oh Brother

    You are taking pictures of this guy on HIS porch…and then complaining as to what he does. Am I the only one who see a problem here? MIND your own F@&king business!!!

  • Heh

    So if he was jerking off in his front yard, that would be okay because he’s on his property?

  • Jess

    So, today I found out that people don’t like it when you jerk off in your own front yard. Hmm…who would’a thunk it?

  • Omegaman

    There’s no law against picking your nose with your shirt off. There are quite a few laws against jacking off where people can see you…

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