


“Moved into a new apartment building last month and met one of my neighbors my first day. He suggested we switch phone numbers in case of an ‘emergency’. Ever since he sends me texts trying to come over or trying to get me to come over there and this was his latest attempt.”

- Ella, MaineĀ 


  • Captain Cuntstab

    now reply with the link to this post. :)

  • BB

    Lol! I was going to ask who would be stupid enough to give a total stranger their phone number, but this post answered that. Enjoy it, Ella. You caused your own grief. Common sense be damned!

  • doctor stinkstah

    Hey I know that guy!! He banged my ex girlfriend!! thestinky dot com

    • CLint

      I banged your mom.

      • doctor stinkstah

        oh gotcha

    • CLint

      I banged your mom

  • meltemi

    you have his address, picture and phone number. Be neighborly and help him out by posting an ad for him in the craigslist “men seeking men” section.

  • brag0000

    poor ella :(

  • JHaze

    Poor Ella. She hasn’t been the same since..

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