


“I’d like to point out that this is not an auto mechanic. Anyone else have one of these guys living in your neighborhood??” -Ellis

  • nonono

    Each city is different. Mine would not allow this, against city ordinance. You may have to inquire in yours.

  • takurospirit

    We have people all over my town that do auto repairs in their garages / driveways. My neighbors used to have no less than 5 cars around at all times and I’d find spark plugs in my yard. They apparently decided to just throw their garbage right over the fence. My husband likes to give them an out and blame the wind, but I’m pretty sure a fucking spark plug didn’t glide over the fence during a strong wind current.

    • joe

      toss ‘em back. spark plugs break windows. after replacing a few windows they might think twice about throwing their garbage into your yard.

  • Doc

    Yup. Our town made him put up a fence so no one had to look at it.
    Honestly, how many cars can you “fix” at one time.

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