


“Saw this sticker awhile ago in a parking lot… I didn’t vote for him either but I think we should at least respect him because he is the President after all sheesh!! I think some of these tea party people have gone too far.. not all but some.”

- Kelly, New Hampshire


  • Michelle

    Funny how Conservatives got offended if you suggested Bush wasn’t a good leader and demanded you move to Russia but have no problem badmouthing the new guy.

  • Red Raider

    Still fixing the mess Bush left us. Where the hell are those WMD’s?

  • bubba the wonder stud

    Screw obama the shoeshine boy and screw his baby aborting followers.

  • Michelle

    Typical racist Conservative.

  • BB

    Why should we respect a president that doesn’t respect America or the people of America?

    Bush may have been not that good of a president, but he was a hell of a lot better than the current jackass in the office. It’s also funny seeing all the people still crying about “Bush’s fault.” obama has been in office how long now? Surely, if he knew anything about running a country, there would be a positive change, right? Oh, I forgot. obama can do no wrong and anyone who objects to his ways is a racist.

    Extremists like Michelle and Red Raider are the cause of the problems in this country, yet they are so blinded by a party’s BS that they can only see how it’s “the other party’s” fault. Wake up, you idiots. Your party dedication destroyed this nation. (That goes for BOTH parties, by the way. Not just one.)

  • Oogie

    He’s earned it.

  • Red Raider

    Christy (when he is elected president) will be fixing the same shit Obama is fixing. Party doesn’t matter, just the actions of a man who commits war crimes and gets away with it.

  • CLint

    Kelly you are an idiot. We don’t have to respect the person, just the office.

  • snake

    If you dont love Obama you be a rayciss !! Damn crackers !!

  • Not Me

    The truth hurts.

  • krazygranny

    with all the racists in the republican party a black republican will never have a chance at being president

  • Fugginidiots

    I love how just because someone doesn’t like BO, that makes the person a racist. Don’t forget the legacy of hate and violence perpetuated by the Democrats. Duh! They started the KKK.

  • scott watkins

    I would like to see the rest of the Bronco. I have always liked the “Dont Tread on Me” flag. Just Because you do not like Obama does not mean you are a racist. Perhaps this guy did not like the last couple as well, and I would understand that. I would keep it to myself though.

  • Desert Storm Vet

    A little harsh Michelle & Red? Ask how the demos passed Osamacare without a repub vote as well as those losing their health insurance because of this new tax. I could go on….

  • Kidd

    A) Oblowme sucks

    B) The bush twins sucked

    C) Just because someone is our POTUS doesn’t mean I have to respect them.

  • E.Fudd

    thats my bronco, i am a democratic – thank you

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Red Raider on 2025/01/24 at 9:30 am:

    Christy (when he is elected president) will be fixing the same shit Obama is fixing. Party doesn’t matter, just the actions of a man who commits war crimes and gets away with it.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Clint on 2025/01/24 at 3:15 pm:

    Kelly you are an idiot. We don’t have to respect the person, just the office.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by snake on 2025/01/24 at 5:39 pm:

    If you dont love Obama you be a rayciss !! Damn crackers !!

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Not Me on 2025/01/25 at 10:48 am:

    The truth hurts.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by krazygranny on 2025/01/26 at 1:02 pm:

    with all the racists in the republican party a black republican will never have a chance at being president

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Fugginidiots on 2025/01/29 at 1:58 pm:

    I love how just because someone doesn’t like BO, that makes the person a racist. Don’t forget the legacy of hate and violence perpetuated by the Democrats. Duh! They started the KKK.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by scott watkins on 2025/02/01 at 6:10 pm:

    I would like to see the rest of the Bronco. I have always liked the “Dont Tread on Me” flag. Just Because you do not like Obama does not mean you are a racist. Perhaps this guy did not like the last couple as well, and I would understand that. I would keep it to myself though.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Desert Storm Vet on 2025/02/02 at 7:46 pm:

    A little harsh Michelle & Red? Ask how the demos passed Osamacare without a repub vote as well as those losing their health insurance because of this new tax. I could go on….

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Kidd on 2025/02/03 at 3:59 pm:

    A) Oblowme sucks

    B) The bush twins sucked

    C) Just because someone is our POTUS doesn’t mean I have to respect them.

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