


“Felt like a good neighbor and scrapped off all my neighbor’s cars.” - Jeff A.

  • Sophia

    Keep your hands off my shit.

    • Forrest Gump

      Exactly. Don’t touch my fucking car.

      • Vladimir

        I’d regularly key your faggy shitmobile

        • Scottie P

          I have a nice car and if I caught you, after I beat your ass, you’d be paying for the repairs. Little bitches and girls key cars.

  • LadyAnneJT

    Thanks so much! You do a lot restore our faith in humanity.

  • JazzSinger

    A true act of kindness is not followed by making sure as many people know about it as possible.

  • awhiteguy

    that’s a good deed, but there are alot of ungrateful brain dead morons who would be pissed off at you for “touching their car”.

  • Locode


  • Stephen Weickert

    When you said scrapped, I thought you took all the cars to the junkyard.

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