
Neighbors An Asshole!


Virginia Beach, Va. – Everything seems picture perfect on Victor Road in the Hilltop Manor neighborhood of Virginia Beach, until you see the sign posted in Jeanine Wenger’s front yard that reads, “Parking reserved for the neighborhood A–hole only.”

“That’s a matter of first amendment rights,” said Jeanine Wenger’s husband Rich.

“That’s not freedom of speech. That’s just hate speech,” said Joanne, who asked NewsChannel 3 not to use her last name. She contacted NewsChannel 3 about the sign. She believes Wenger put it up after a dispute over where Joanne and her husband park the couple’s truck.

“It makes me sick to my stomach,” Joanne said.

“It’s not just about the truck, it’s about everything. They’ve harassed all the neighbors,” said Jeanine Wenger, who said the sign is her way of sticking up for herself and other neighbors who say they’ve been dragged into court for neighborhood disputes with Joanne and her husband Thomas for years. “All the neighbors agree. They come by, they give me the thumbs up, and say go for it!”

Joanne said she has surveillance video from last year that shows someone from the Wenger’s home walk across the street and tie balloons on Joanne and her husband’s truck. Joanne and her husband started to park the truck on the other side of the street in front of the Wenger’s home.

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  • j masiulewicz

    Funny article, but has NOTHING at all to do with freedom of speech. Wish people would have paid attention in school when they were studying the Constitution before they start throwing down their interps of the Bill of Rights.

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