


“These are my neighbors and they like green things. The guy that lives there is a big fucking redneck and I guess he used to race cars or some other useless hillbilly activity. It looks like his bus, race car and soul all died at the same time in the backyard… in 1986…”

- Rick, Massachusetts


  • Leonard

    What a great world it would be to live in if everyone just minded there own business

  • Bud

    I don’t see any problems. Mind your own business as far as the neighbors go.

  • Bud

    Dig the green bus.

  • Doc

    Appears near and well maintained. Don’t see a problem with it.

  • Bubba

    I agree with all the other posters. WTF.

    To the poster of the pic, why is racing cars a hillbilly activity? You’re not too bright, are you?

  • Oogie

    You get that perspective when you live in your mom’s basement, I guess.

  • Nonono

    If you don’t like the color, stop looking. OP you are the problem, not the neighbor.

  • snake

    Outside of sex there’s few things in life more fun than racing- cars, motorcycles, whatever. Try it sometime OP, you might be surprised.

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