


While there were a quite a few lovely vehicles in this neighbor’s front yard, this one took the cake.

Can any of our car experts out there tell what make and model that is?

- Maine


  • JohnDavid

    It’s a POS

  • Dan Mueller

    it’s a Ford Probe with All-Wheel Drive…..aka Redneck Mudder

  • Dee

    It’s a second generation Ford Probe (1992-1997).

  • snake

    Well suited for snow country. If he lives in a remote area it could be days before the snow plows come by and he’s not making it to work without something like this. Granted, is doesn’t have to be lifted to that extreme.

  • JohnDavid


  • Sarah

    It’s used for mud bogs. They are light weight and fast …. Heck I’m a girl and know that

  • snake

    It’s used for mud bogs. They are light weight and fast …. Heck I’m a girl and know that -Sarah

    Please post a pic

  • Tim Bob

    Sarah i love you. but its still a ford so yeah a pos lol. but remember just cause you dont like it doesn’t make it wrong

  • SL@M

    There are some ignorant people in this thread. I like the ones that think they are better and take pictures of other peoples property. Who cares as long as they are happy. I bet 99% of the people taking pictures belong on Jerry Springer.

  • CrashOverride

    We built a lifted 4×4 01 dodge neon once. All just cuz we were bored and wanted to see if we could pull it off. Became the guy daily driver for about a yr lol.

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