


The house is for sale… do you think the car is part of the deal?! Would be kind of silly to have an obnoxiously bright house without a matching car, don’t you think?

- New Hampshire


  • Doc

    Only a fag who would buy that car would paint the house that color as well.

  • queenb

    They forgot to mention that the rocking chair on the porch is the same color. I wonder if that’s part of the deal also.

  • Caitlin

    @Doc, I know you’re just upset that your boyfriend kicked you out of this lovely abode.
    I actually think this is kind of funny, at least the house is painted well and the yard looks nice.

  • MustacheHam

    My eyes! They’re in pain!!!

  • Hap

    I think it’s a bit of a stretch to call a house painted nearly entirely in grey “obnoxiously bright”, although I agree I don’t care for that particular shade of green. Still I think neighborhoods with houses that splash out a bit are much better than totally cowardly neighborhoods of the usual neutrals.

  • Blah

    How is this creepy or objectionable in any way? People need to learn to mind their own business.

  • shelli

    I LOVE IT! how do I make an offer? You think this is “bad”? wait till you see what I would add to the look. Would not go well with your collections of pickup trucks on cinder blocks.

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