



“I was driving down my street when I saw this sign on a house. I burst out laughing and had my husband pull over so I could take a photo. I mean really, now she has to download all those Bon Jovi songs again!? How could you, iPod thief?”

- Bethany

  • Kayla Modschiedler

    The thief probably got sick of hearing Bon Jovi non stop

  • llcoolj

    Bethany sounds like a real bitch.

  • appleBLOWS!

    only an idiot would pay a dollar per song, only to have their music stolen, only to repurchase everything they already owned.
    i have 120GB, 30,000 songs stored in MP3 format on my computer and on two seperate 500GB usb drives. I’ve had them since the 90’s. Never had to repurchase anything, because I’m not stupid enough to overpay for apple products.

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