
‘I’m thinking the same thing kitty it’s APRIL!!’


“people across the street still have their halloween decs up – I’m thinking the same thing kitty it’s APRIL!!” - Anonymous

New Hampshire


  • Captain Cuntstab

    wtf is wrong with people? does it take THAT much time out of your busy schedule to add 7 more letters and form a real word? *DECORATIONS*

    • Julie

      With a moniker like the one you chose, they must have all gone to the same school as you douche bag.

      Methinks the only thing you stab is your own hand.

      • Captain Cuntstab

        oh, i’m sorry, plain julie, i didn’t realize that having a humorous name was against the code of the fun police. my bad… i’d change it, but i have to go buy some more lotion. to rub on the fat internet sluts that are coming over tonight. tell your mom to bring some febreze this time, that shit was smelling pretty funky last week…

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