


“Good thing they have TWO lawnmowers because it’s not like there’s snow on the ground or anything. EVERY OTHER house on this road is well-kept. Nothing wrong with not having a lot of money, but for the love of everything holy can you please pick your shit up so everyone else doesn’t have to look at it??”

- Nathan, South Dakota


  • Northerngirl

    He (they) are also bringing your property values. Is there someone at City Hall you can talk to who can help?

  • shawn

    3 lawn mowers

  • snake

    All it would take is a 20 foot long privacy fence and he could hide all his trash behind it. These sort of people just flat don’t care what they do to the neighborhood. They need to be gone.

  • Hap

    This brought up a point about these kinds of residences. It seems to me that if the owners even just neatly arranged all of their junk, they could improve the appearance quite a bit. It’s that these people seem inclined to just scatter things about that makes it look even worse.

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