


“HEY JACKASS mow your lawn. Love – your neighbor, dave.”



  • ronthewolfman

    Just wait till the fall and do him a favor while he and the family aren’t there TOSS A MATCH onto the yard, with any luck the whole house will go up in smoke too

  • LadyAnneJT

    Since the house is obviously unoccupied, you’re wasting your time fussing. The county can find out who owns this property (probably a bank) and send them a clean-up notice.

  • awhiteguy

    that is clearly an abandoned farm house

  • Sha’Rita

    Notice the sign on the front door….No Trespassing. Nothing amiss here…except for the dickhead neighbor Dave. Imagine having the tool Dave as your neighbor. That would be like shitting in bed and not even kicking it out.

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