

  • JugstopperRevenge

    Don’t hide behind the peephole – open the door, BITCH!

    • SFCRetired

      If I do, you won’t like it.

  • Martina Finley

    There’s one of these miserable old ladies in every apartment building. I wonder what would she have done if he did come out and whoop her a@%?

  • murr1066

    I lived next door to a lady who spent all afternoon, every weekday just wondering back and forth in the hallway. If someone opened their door she would go back to her apt. and lock it up.
    She had three lock and a chain. One minute later she’d undo the locks and the chain and go back to strolling the hallway. All afternoon, locking and unlocking her door every few minutes.

  • SFCRetired

    Love living where I do. I just open the door wide and let them see that I don’t indulge in fist fights. I’m entirely too old and fragile. Usually enough to make their eyes go wide and make them decide they need to be elsewhere.

  • sumatra

    have something like that too, sad thing is , it’s a year friend that is starting to treat me like this, i know though when i get old, i will try and treat people, because you never know when you will need someone’s help

  • LadyScot

    Personally, I call the recorder a coward. Don’t threaten to whoop someone’s ass if you are too scared to follow through.

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