


If you’re handicapped to the point where you can’t park that bitch in between the lines, it’s time to get your license revoked so you don’t kill somebody. I don’t give a fudge brownie this was on Christmas Eve either. Where else? Wal-Mart.

- Farmington New Hampshire Wal-Mart


  • Picklestink

    Sing with me…”If you’re crippled and you know it, clap your hands / If you’re crippled and you know it, stomp your feet…” oops. Well, maybe just sway a bit in your chair.

  • Lady Anne

    This bozo is actually parked in the van access lane – with the diagonal lines. I one had a presumably able-bodied young lady pull into that spot while I was trying to get out of my car. She informed me, very huffily, that she was parked *between* the handicapped spots, not in one. You can imagine what I told her.

  • murphys

    I have also had douche bags try to park in the access lane NEXT to the actual handicapped spot. The morons think that it is okay.

    I would have let the air out of her tires.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Picklestink on 2025/01/29 at 6:48 pm:

    Sing with me…”If you’re crippled and you know it, clap your hands / If you’re crippled and you know it, stomp your feet…” oops. Well, maybe just sway a bit in your chair.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Lady Anne on 2025/01/29 at 8:09 pm:

    This bozo is actually parked in the van access lane – with the diagonal lines. I one had a presumably able-bodied young lady pull into that spot while I was trying to get out of my car. She informed me, very huffily, that she was parked *between* the handicapped spots, not in one. You can imagine what I told her.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by murphys on 2025/01/30 at 12:19 pm:

    I have also had douche bags try to park in the access lane NEXT to the actual handicapped spot. The morons think that it is okay.

    I would have let the air out of her tires.

  • Crippled on the inside

    Think it’s possible that the driver uses a wheelchair kept behind the seat but the spot to the left was occupied & he/she couldn’t get out that way. “Well, why not BACK IN to the spot?” you may say…..try not casting judgment unless you know the whole story.
    And to “murphys”: try letting the air out of the tires….you may turn around to discover someone letting the air out of your lungs.

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