


“These bags of leaves have been sitting here since October. Trash guys do not take them. And there is a wooded area we all dump them in every year right down the street.” - Linda

  • awhiteguy

    since those bags aren’t very close to any structures, i would just pour gasoline on there and light them.

  • Gypsy Rose Lee

    Linda sounds like a real bitch.

  • kyle jewson

    dont you have a yard waste pick up date or days

  • Morgan Blonde

    Maybe Linda could leave them a note instead of anonymously complaining. Maybe the neighbors don’t know?

  • lindasnotabitchneighborsareass

    I live on the same st many people have asked them to dump them in the woods. They refuse. And they do know where they go. They have lived on the same st for about 20 years.

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