


“I drive by this neon blue beauty couple times a week and although Frosty seems festive this time of year, it’s key to point out Frosty is a year round lawn decoration. I think I would be scared to go down that driveway…even Frosty looks like he is saying ‘YO don’t come down here’ haha…”

- Shelley, Massachusetts


  • ronthewolfman

    Frosty should be damn glad he is on the outside of that fire trap waiting to happen. Judging form the sad state of affairs that the outside is in, the inside might be non exit able in the event of a fire. Of course frosty is going to have to hustle his ass away from that death trap of a trailer to survive for another snowy day, LOL Frosty.

  • Doc

    yes, ronthewolfman: i agree, it’s probably a fire hazard. Looking at the roof that is painted blue, like the house, I can assume they also painted the windows shut.

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