


“Where is the Foreclosure on the house when you need it, I live next door to the most trashy low class people in the world and yet they act as though they are the Huxtables, annoying I hope their house gets foreclosed on cause I know they don’t make a whole lot of money anyway cause you have to many idiots stuffed in a house like a damn sardine, low class bastards!” -Stephanie

  • BB

    Wow, Stephanie. You sound like such a sweet, wonderful woman. Is your PMS acting up again? Sheesh!

    The funniest part is you calling the neighbors “idiots,” yet with your comment, it’s quite clear who the true idiot is. Annoying? Yes, your comment is VERY annoying, as are you.

    • Loretta

      @BB… As humans, we waste the shit out of our words. It’s sad. We use words like “PMS” and “SHEESH” and “IDIOT” like they’re candy. It was PMS? Really? It had cramps? It was SHEESH? Are you serious? It was full of sheesh? You use the word “IDIOT” to describe a goddamn sandwich worker at Wendy’s. What’s going to happen on your wedding day, or when your first child is born? How will you describe it? You already wasted “IDIOT” on a fucking sandwich worker.

      • Joe

        That’s the thing about words. They are reusable. Have fun making sandwiches at Wendy’s. Idiot.

  • Long John

    This is WAY too funny! I got my very first rusty trombone in the 3rd floor bedroom of that house! Life certainly has not been the same since!

    I will have to tell my buddy to check out his house on this site! LOL!

  • marcie

    Stephanie, you sound like a snob.

  • Josephine

    @marcie – I am with you. Stephanie sounds like a real bitch. Nothing a good swift kick in the twat wouldn’t fix… Just sayin’

  • CRinoa

    The grammar, it burns!

  • ljcoolj

    I will give you an example of how race affects my life. I
    live in a place called Alpine, New Jersey. Live in Alpine, New Jersey, right?
    My house costs millions of dollars…In my neighborhood, there are four black
    people. Hundreds of houses, four black people. Who are these black people?
    Well, there’s me, Mary J. Blige, Jay-Z and Eddie Murphy. Only black people in
    the whole neighborhood. So let’s break it down…Mary J. Blige, one of the
    greatest R&B singers to ever walk the Earth. Jay-Z, one of the greatest rappers
    to ever live. Eddie Murphy, one of the funniest actors to ever, ever do it. Do
    you know what the white man who lives next door to me does for a living? He’s a
    fucking dentist. He ain’t the best dentist in the world. He ain’t going to the
    dental hall of fame. He don’t get plaques for getting rid of plaque. He’s just
    a yank-your-tooth-out dentist. See, the black man gotta fly to get to something
    the white man can walk to.

    • Joe

      ohh…someone got high.
      Mary J. Blige sucks.

      Jay-Z, while very talented is not one of the greatest rappers to ever live. He did, however, open for one of the greatest rappers to ever live. I was there, Detroit, September 2025. Another of the greatest rappers to ever live, Dr. Dre, was also there.

      Eddie Murphy sucks. Charlie Murphy is hilarious, but Eddie…no…he sucks. He will be a footnote in history, just like LL Cool J. You should have said Richard Pryor or Dave Chapelle, but definately not Eddie Murphy.
      What is a “fucking dentist”. I go to a regular dentist.
      Next time, don’t get high in your mommy’s basement before you post.

  • Doc

    If there really is so many of them packed into that house, then their rent per person must be extremely low. They probably all get food stamps and welfare too. So, yeah, they’re there to stay. Better get used to it.

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