


February 18, 2025: Fargo, ND – Local resident Todd Fox has been detained for “reckless endangerment” and “illegal use of high-powered fire-breathing weaponry” for attacking snow with his flamethrower. Fox reportedly became so fed up with the week-long blowing snow epidemic in his area that he decided to KILL IT WITH FIRE.

The neighborhood was treated with quite a show last night as Fox unleashed an inferno upon the mountainous snow palace that was his front yard. Neighbors to his immediate right and left noticed a bright orange cloud and could hear what they thought was “puff the magic dragon spewing mayhem all over hell,” which prompted one of them to notify police.

Fox stated that he was simply “fed up with battling the elements” and that he did not possess the willpower necessary to move “four billion tons of white bull shit.”

Police say that Fox surrendered his efforts immediately upon their arrival and that his front yard “looked like a hydrogen bomb had gone off.” They think he was just happy to be done with snow removal, even if it did mean a trip to jail.


Have a neighbor who needs attention? Email us a pic! NeighborShame@gmail.com

  • DEevolution

    I like this guy. Gas and noise pollution from a snow blower/plow. Only Gas and a light show and no piles left over…what is the big problem? Ice? He has the solution if needed…no salt, or calcium chloride…

  • adlyia

    Proof yet again that red necks are EVERYWHERE!! This is just too funny. I love it!

  • JG

    Was this story only reported in the FM Observer (as per the link in the article above) or was it also carried in other well known news sites, like The Onion?

  • snake

    That thing would be a lot of fun out in some deserted area- like say detroit.

  • zendaddy621

    We get some heavy snow here in Illinois too; I know I’ve considered using napalm to clear the snow…

  • Bedard

    That thing would be a lot of fun out in some deserted area- like say detroit.

    Detroit does this on Devils Night

  • jon

    Haha I bet his summer hobby is dynamite fishing.

  • Pingback: Fargo man arrested for clearing snow with flamethrower - Defending The Truth Political Forum()

  • fonzo gueullio

    Totally stupid. For one… no official sites reported this… and i also live in fargo and have not heard any of this. Fargo is big but not that big to where i wouldnt hear about it on local news. Fucking social network retards will believe anything.Go play outside and get some fresh air morons…

  • the Truth

    Stupid neighbours!!! Wanna bet he won’t report a burglary next time he sees his neighbors house get torn apart? Would serve them right! Sticking their nose into business that didn’t concern them.

  • Tony Christensen

    If you lived in North Dakota you’d get a flame thrower. It sucks dog shit cold in the Dakotas

  • Dillon GElhausen

    This man needs to be given a medal. I mean seriously what a genius.

  • Ron Gronkowski

    To the guy in Fargo that says this is b.s. because he hadn’t heard about it and this a social media lie…this story was first rwported February of LAST year. Check facts before making ignorant comments.

  • Metro Detroit Gal

    I’ve lived in Metro Detroit all of my life and this would be a great tool to help eradicate the blight as the City seems to take forever on these types of projects. Our public image is horrible because of the actions and decisions of many of its leaders (i.e., Kilpatrick, Ferguson, M. Conyers, etc.) and citizens.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by zendaddy621 on 2025/12/19 at 7:46 pm:

    We get some heavy snow here in Illinois too; I know I’ve considered using napalm to clear the snow…

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Bedard on 2025/01/08 at 9:41 pm:

    That thing would be a lot of fun out in some deserted area- like say detroit.

    Detroit does this on Devils Night

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by jon on 2025/01/16 at 8:20 pm:

    Haha I bet his summer hobby is dynamite fishing.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by fonzo gueullio on 2025/01/17 at 6:58 pm:

    Totally stupid. For one… no official sites reported this… and i also live in fargo and have not heard any of this. Fargo is big but not that big to where i wouldnt hear about it on local news. Fucking social network retards will believe anything.Go play outside and get some fresh air morons…

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by the Truth on 2025/01/18 at 7:55 pm:

    Stupid neighbours!!! Wanna bet he won’t report a burglary next time he sees his neighbors house get torn apart? Would serve them right! Sticking their nose into business that didn’t concern them.

    • No_Nickname90

      LoL!! How has no one commented on this? A flaming inferno blazing right next door and it’s none of their business? I’m sorry, but I want to live to see the next day, not look like I’m trying to cosplay Brand.

      • brad

        If he wasn’t trying to burn your house down or kill you then Yeah, they should have minded there own damn business.

    • Joanne Dorlando

      Jealousy…pure jealousy

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Tony Christensen on 2025/01/21 at 12:48 pm:

    If you lived in North Dakota you’d get a flame thrower. It sucks dog shit cold in the Dakotas

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Dillon Gelhausen on 2025/01/22 at 6:40 pm:

    This man needs to be given a medal. I mean seriously what a genius.

    • Ronald Olson

      Anyone who lives in the snowbelt would love to have one!

      • moore


    • Pat

      Pansy neighbors, always hated Flanders

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Ron Gronkowski on 2025/01/23 at 6:30 pm:

    To the guy in Fargo that says this is b.s. because he hadn’t heard about it and this a social media lie…this story was first rwported February of LAST year. Check facts before making ignorant comments.

    • Asher Frost

      speaking of facts.


      human satirical news generator

      that’s the name of the guy who wrote the original article…

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Metro Detroit Gal on 2025/01/25 at 10:07 am:

    I’ve lived in Metro Detroit all of my life and this would be a great tool to help eradicate the blight as the City seems to take forever on these types of projects. Our public image is horrible because of the actions and decisions of many of its leaders (i.e., Kilpatrick, Ferguson, M. Conyers, etc.) and citizens.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Devolution on 2025/12/19 at 1:58 pm:

    I like this guy. Gas and noise pollution from a snow blower/plow. Only Gas and a light show and no piles left over…what is the big problem? Ice? He has the solution if needed…no salt, or calcium chloride…

    • Joanne Dorlando

      It was pure jealousy on the neighbors part….simple as that

    • sjc0116

      I think is was a great idea. Wish I had one. You’re right.. quick, less chemicals, less noise and he could make snow sculptures if he wanted to.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by adlyia on 2025/12/19 at 2:26 pm:

    Proof yet again that red necks are EVERYWHERE!! This is just too funny. I love it!

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by JG on 2025/12/19 at 5:07 pm:

    Was this story only reported in the FM Observer (as per the link in the article above) or was it also carried in other well known news sites, like The Onion?

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by snake on 2025/12/19 at 6:11 pm:

    That thing would be a lot of fun out in some deserted area- like say detroit.

  • Raffi Lido

    This is the most fun I have had in years- I laughed for an hour- what a brilliant option for snow removal.

  • Noctis Wolf

    Well, he got rid of the snow, didn’t he? The town should be THANKING him. I’m not being sarcastic. Instead of him being arrested by police, he should be getting a thank you from the town. Now, with the snow melted, there won’t be all of that snow pilled up along the side of the street.

  • Pingback: White Bullshit | jedoiscroire()

  • Sue Mellinger


  • LakeishaJackson

    Does every city have an ordnance against the “use of high-powered, fire-breathing weaponry”? And who determines when the use of such equipment is “illegal”?

    • sjc0116

      so that’s what really happened to dragons.. they were outlawed :)

  • Pingback: Fargo Man Arrested For Clearing Snow With Flamethrower()

  • Allen Helmer

    You guys do know that this article was originally written on a parody website?

  • Captain baksmak

    That neighbor is a FUCKING BITCH!

  • Pingback: Flamethrower for sale on armslist. What could possibly go wrong?()

  • screagle101

    “four billion tons of white bull shit.”
    you mean Congress?

    • Reality

      NO he means Obama and the democrats that are so full of B.S.

      • gompers

        That just doesn’t work for comedic value. Another failed attempt by a republican.

        • moore

          OWS stooge

      • Frank

        You’re not too bright are ya??

        • turd ferguson

          no one on either side of that argument is too bright

      • No_Nickname90

        Obama has helped a lot. My confusion level rises.

        • origionalwinja

          If by help you mean screwed everyone, violated the constitution, and golfed more than any other president in history, then you would be correct. If that’s not what you mean, then you are confused and not paying attention.

          • Pat

            Ha, exactly and illegally released terrorist master minds in exchange for a defecting psychopath. Helped ISIS, yes.

            What, the Obama Care that forces Federal control over citizens, private sector, and states.
            Paying out the ass for ppl who can’t work for their benefits.

            Where does the money come from? You and I: if not taxes then through increased costs of goods and services.

            Helping my ass.

            Restricting our Constitution and promising catchy emotional promises like hope and change.

            What the hell does that even mean?

            Jobs? Full time positions are now as attainable as a unicorn for low middle class.
            What employer will give out more than 30 hours nowadays? That means multiple jobs.

            Stupid, and now this idea of mandated paid time off.

            It’s not the employer or governments job to provide you this. Go find a job that offers it. Free market. All you lib ass Obama junkies have your head so far up your hope and change asses.

            Obama, what a joke.

          • Kabooper

            So how did this become a rant about Obama, I suppose you comment on ALL posts about Obama??! Weird.

          • PoliticosSuck

            Yes, because the story’s all about Obama.
            Piss off with your fucktardian ranting…

          • sjc0116

            and apparently so is your response. hear of the 1st amendment?

          • Joanne Dorlando

            And just exactly how many years ago did you last look for a job, Pat?

          • sjc0116

            took my cousin 3 years to find a job and it was for 25 hrs a week at 1/2 the pay. he lives in in NY where jobs should plentiful.. they’re not.

    • moore

      ha ha

  • Snowed in

    I live in hamburg New York and in two days we got about 6 feet of snow. I’m sick of shoveling and think this is the best idea ever !!!

  • Matt

    Where can I buy a flamethrower?

  • nuncha

    that seems like temporary snow insanity and they should be glad he did it. Bravo!

  • Joseph

    People think its OK to use a flame thrower.. Thank god government and laws are in place to protect the sane.

    • Ted

      And your exactly what’s wrong in this country.

    • Brett Jennings

      to have a crime there has to be a person harmed. So who will be in court to say that they were harmed. Then did the police have the required warrent to even arrest him as required by law?

    • Gary Rogers

      It is OK to use them, or at least own them, in any state except California and Maryland. If you’re a pussy and don’t like having the right to own a flame thrower, one of the two states mentioned would probably welcome you with open arms.

  • Ray

    There might not be any charges if he set a black guy on fire

  • Ray

    In Fargo N.D. there might not be any charges if he set a black guy on fire

  • Millian


  • Julie McLain

    I dont see a problem here. If you’ve got it…use it! I wish I could.

  • PITC

    They do sell those commercially to specifically melt snow…this is nothing new..getting arrested is BS.

  • https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=40177236&trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile_pic Martin Screeton

    Sounds Like a Great Idea to Me! Where Can we rent The Flame Throwers? :)

  • Danny Wade

    Complaining about snow in Fargo is like moving to Tunisia and bitching about the sand.

  • John

    MMM I believe it is actually legal to own a flame thrower.

    • Gary Rogers

      Except for California and Maryland.

  • karen

    At this point, it may just be worth the trip to jail…

  • Raini Way

    Gotta be one of Sgt. Andrew Carter’s descendants. It’s just gotta be. Someone ask this guy if he had a great grandfather in a POW camp in Bavaria during WWII.

    • LindengoneSalem

      You have your own thing going on. Maybe start a website devoted to it and see if anyone shows up.

  • OhioMike45

    Also good for making short work of weeds.

  • mastermind2


  • Rick O’Hare

    So what did he go to jail for ???

  • Neil R. Ouellette

    The neighbor was pissed he didn’t do his driveway.

  • Rocker

    I always wanted to do it this way seems more sensible than shoveling

  • asdfsgdfhdh

    i need video for science reasons!

  • John Warren

    The specific heat of snow is so high, I doubt it would do much good. Just try to melt an ice cube with a blow torch and you’ll see.

    • sjc0116

      ok now.. do you know how many people just went to the garage to get theirs? :)

  • Einelorelei

    I can understand his frustration and it IS kind of funny, but I can see where he can accidentally hurt himself or others.

  • origionalwinja

    This man is absolutely awesome!!

  • Dell Richards

    I wish he was my neighbor.

  • Kabooper

    whoe! I would love to see photos! And thinking someone needs to make a snowblower with a flamethrower inside of it. AWESOME!

  • PoliticosSuck

    Well, one thing we can all be sure of:

  • Lin Z

    Can I be this guys new best friend?

    • sjc0116

      I’m with you .. he needed neighbors like us

  • Edward Proctor

    now you can not play with fire in your own yard,,,,,welcome to the prision,,,,,USA COMPOUND # 666….

  • gumtuckie

    Anyone see the creepy face in the flames? In the middle, in red.

  • moore

    too funny

  • Pyro

    this video showed up on FB under an indiegogo add for a 49 state legal flamethrower lol

  • Pingback: 49 State Legal, Handheld Flamethrower is About to Hit the Market [VIDEO]()

  • brad

    And what law exactly did he break?? Sounds like If he wasnt burning the town down or burning someone his neighbors should have minded there own business.

  • AlThompson

    Way to GO Todd! Screw yer pansy neighbors! When you make bond and get back home, fry their sissified asses while their shovelin’ that stuff in their driveways!

  • jms

    What kind of a country do we now live in where it is actually illegal to go psycho apeshit with a flame thrower in your own front yard. I weep for our lost freedom.

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