


“I can’t help but laugh every time I pass this driveway. Anyone who can afford to drive a $65,000 BMW and live in a  million dollar home should be able to afford a better solution to get it in the driveway than scrap wood!”

- Sandra, Oregon


  • Six Pack Genius

    I find this funny because there is a student renting a place a few miles away doing the same thing with his BMW. The place is a real rat-hole but he can afford a Beemer (parents probably bought it for him). What is funny is when it snows or is slick in the morning, he has a hell of time getting in or out his driveway.

    • Doc

      We all know his parents bought it for him.

  • Doc

    Stupid faggot hipsters…

  • PinkTaco

    No way that car is worth 65k

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