


“My neighbor has a mini donkey that will chase you up the driveway until you scratch his head.”


“Just scratch his head.. that’s all he wants.” - Jeff

  • Steve Kammerer

    looks photoshopped

    • BB

      There’s one thing worse than a Photoshopped photo: That’s some person crying “Photoshopped” for a non-Photoshopped photo. C’mon, Steve. This is not Photoshopped. What do you see that makes you believe it is? Please share.

      • Roman

        I used to like people more, but now I have donkeys and that changes your life in a lot of ways. Like you spend time with people you never would have chosen to spend time with, not in a million years. I spend whole days with people, I’m like, “I never would have hung out with you. I didn’t choose you. Our donkeys chose each other based on no criteria by the way. They’re the same size. They don’t care who they make me hang out with.

        So, BB, I choose not to hang out with you. I think you are a jackass.

  • MasterD

    nice ass!

  • Martina Finley

    How cute! He looks like he’s smiling.

  • G Spot Finder

    He looks so happy.

  • Nonono


  • Sara

    This seems to be the opposite of a problem.

  • The other ghost girl

    This isn’t really a shame…. Now if it crimped cars, or was aggressive, that would be different

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