


Making sure everyone knows you’re an asshole has to impress the ladies… and cops. Definitely impresses the cops. Then again, who are we to call somebody an asshole when we drive around taking pictures of people’s trashy houses and post them on the site? Touche middle finger truck guy, touche.



  • Jim Dirtynuts

    America,F**K Yeah!

  • YourRealDad

    The higher the truck the lower the I.Q,

  • Linda

    All yall are a bunch a doosh bagz I luv my man and i luv his truk he takkes good care of my babys and i that is my mans truk and it looks good next to my home leeve us alone

  • mutosheep

    That truck is wicked awesome; you’re just a jealous loser drowning in hateraid.

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