


“My professor had to cancel class because her neighbors dog killed her cat.” - Andre

  • Pious Pete

    And this falls into the Neighbor Shame category how?

    • meltemi

      the neighbors with their killer “unruly” dogs? assuming that the dogs were unleashed and that they are often that way.

  • Ugnaught

    Can’t you mourn for your cat on your own time? Besides, how long does it take to either bury a cat or throw it in the garbage?

    • LadyAnneJT

      You should not be allowed to have a companion animal.

  • CorBon

    Well, there is the matter of filling out multiple police reports. Not only for the cat, but the now-deceased dogs, and probably the “mysterious” shovel wounds about the former dog owner’s person.

    That being said, I have always taken a week off from work whenever I have lost a companion animal — same as for any biped family member.

  • OldMaidWhovian

    That’s horrible. And anyone who doesn’t get that, either is obtuse about wonderful and loving pets truly are, or is too shallow and selfish and childish to care.

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