


I’m convinced the owl and 2 signs are some sort of a riddle… we’ll send a free t-shirt to anyone that can figure it out!

- Alton Bay, New Hampshire


  • Danny

    I’m guessing it is the owner telling people “This is one the one place in New England with absolutely no historic significance whatsoever. Nothing happened here 200 years ago. It is not for you to see, but for you to miss without regret..”

  • Nonono

    There’s not enough coffee in the pot for this….

  • doctor stinkstah

    Help me! I am tied up in the basement and they are whipping me with horse’s tail. It’s been going on for 200 years. thestinky dot com

  • Laura

    I agree with Danny, At This place, 200 years ago, not a darn thing happened.
    This is supposed to be funny…

  • Captain Cuntstab

    national treasure 3….

  • bones

    There are stores that sell plaques that state ” 200 years ago, nothing of importance happened here”. Looks like a homemade vetsion .

  • bones


  • Fuldermox

    It’s the crazy guy way to say “stay the hell away.” Would you go there?

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