


“Neighbor blowing snow in my driveway. It’s the same thing with the leaves in the fall…”

- D.T., Maryland


  • Doc

    What a dick.
    Next time, as the snow starts to fall, scatter some string with nails in it and some rocks in his driveway.
    his snowblower won’t blow snow very long.

  • Duane Boda

    Better yet…I’d put gravel along with pea sized gun shot

    in the snow. That would fix his limp dick pretty fast.

  • Nonono

    Try talking to him first. If that doesn’t work, call your local code compliance office.

  • Doc

    nonono: look at the guy. he’s not the type that can “talk” things out. and if you call your code office now there will be a record of a disagreement between you two, and when you finally give up that the authorities will help you, you will not be able to do anything. no, the best thing to do is take care of it yourself.
    nip it in the bud.

  • Brad

    Yip, I have a hillbilly who did the same thing. Snow, branches, rocks, whatever was on his property ended up on mine. You can’t talk to people like this: they are too dumb to understand the and Bylaw guys do nothing. I would just push it back, for now.

  • a b

    maybe he hates you

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