


“My lovely neighbor decided that our dog barked too much while inside OUR OWN HOUSE and took it upon himself to vandalize the siding next to my front door!!”

- Anonymous, Texas


  • girlwatcher

    Tough shit. Take your mutt to the Vet and get his vocal cord nerve clipped. It’s a cheap and safe procedure. I’d call the cops on you every day., asshole.

  • Hmmmmmm

    Sounds [BARK] like [BARK] your [BARK] dog [BARK] needs [BARK] to [BARK] shut [BARK] the [BARK] F [BARK] up. Muzzle that beast.

  • CDB

    Stop annoying everyone OUTSIDE YOUR HOUSE with your stupid neurotic dog! Kudos to the annoyed neighbor. I would have called the police AND animal control.

  • Mike

    WTF? Don’t clip his vocal cords. What kind of sick freak are you??? Beyond that, this owner CAN train their dog to not bark and if I was your neighbor and this little crapper was yapping all day and it was coming in my windows I may be tempted to do the same thing.

  • youhave2bekiddin

    I’m stealing this strategy for my retarded ass neighbor.

  • jogs

    100% deserved

  • Bitchy The Dwarf

    if this was my neighbor, I think I would learn to play the tuba
    and electric guitar
    and drums
    and sing (I’m tone deaf and have a speech impediment)
    and put metal scraps in a cement mixer on the front porch
    starting around 6AM

    …after all if it’s in MY house/yard who cares if it annoys anyone outside?

  • the fire guy

    It is obvious that this is at least the second time that the neighbor has written this on your house…You can see where the new writing overlays the old writing.
    If your dog, barks continually, even while INSIDE your house, and creates a disturbance, that you are quite lucky that the neighbor hasn’t called the local police on a noise complaint. As a fellow pet owner, I applaud his actions and think you are a dickhead. There are ways you can curtail your dog from continually barking. Be a responsible pet owner and DO IT!

  • sweethmv003

    You got what you deserved! People and their false senses of entitlement these days.

  • Matt

    I wish I had the guts to do that!

  • Caitlin

    This guy deserved this, your dog shouldn’t be barking when your home, get your dog to shut the fuck up.

  • becky

    I bet the person who posted this thought they were in the right…lol. People can hear dogs in your house, and when you fight with your spouse also. Proof that people don’t think of your dog as a human, neither should you.

  • Noneya

    My dog would rightfully bark his head off if my asshole neighbor was vandalizing my property. So many idiots in this thread that is boggles the mind.

  • OopsyPoopsy

    It doesnt matter where the dog barks, if the damn thing does it all hours!

    I have a similar problem and my old dog was really sweet, never barked. He was very old, but the neighbors ave a really loud obnoxious dog that barks like crazy at all hours. The neighbors would spray my dog with their hose, I saw them throwing sticks at him, and even paint once! How can people be such jerks?!

  • Captainobvious

    Train yr dog and stop being a whiny douchebag. The time spent bitching could be spent on yr dog. Moron.

  • Grow up

    People kill me when they do juvenile, cowardly, anonymous foolishness. If you have a problem with the person how about you act like an adult with some common sense and confront them.

  • PeopleMakeMeSick

    Inside or outside, you’re disturbing the peace asshole. You deserved it. Shut your damn dog up! That is my BIGGEST PET PEEVE is assholes who let their dogs bark constantly and don’t do anything about it. The poor thing is barking for a reason, my guess would be you’re never home and don’t pay enough attention to him/her.

  • ToyFox

    Those silly little “Bark Off” devices actually do work. My neighbor’s dog would bark at it’s own shadow, so we just got one of those little $10 wonders and put it in the window. The day we did that we heard two regular barks, and then some strange mewing coming out of the dog. Didn’t hear him barking again until the battery died.

  • a b

    this is what caused the Vietnam War

  • Marv Ack

    What a dope. He should have written “Our dog barks…. and barks…”

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Caitlin on 2025/10/05 at 11:36 pm:

    This guy deserved this, your dog shouldn’t be barking when your home, get your dog to shut the fuck up.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Becky on 2025/10/07 at 8:25 am:

    I bet the person who posted this thought they were in the right…lol. People can hear dogs in your house, and when you fight with your spouse also. Proof that people don’t think of your dog as a human, neither should you.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Noneya on 2025/10/13 at 12:39 pm:

    My dog would rightfully bark his head off if my asshole neighbor was vandalizing my property. So many idiots in this thread that is boggles the mind.

    • Nonbeliever

      And you are the biggest idiot Princess.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by OopsyPoopsy on 2025/10/20 at 9:56 am:

    It doesnt matter where the dog barks, if the damn thing does it all hours!

    I have a similar problem and my old dog was really sweet, never barked. He was very old, but the neighbors ave a really loud obnoxious dog that barks like crazy at all hours. The neighbors would spray my dog with their hose, I saw them throwing sticks at him, and even paint once! How can people be such jerks?!

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Captainobvious on 2025/10/22 at 6:04 am:

    Train yr dog and stop being a whiny douchebag. The time spent bitching could be spent on yr dog. Moron.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Grow Up on 2025/10/22 at 1:03 pm:

    People kill me when they do juvenile, cowardly, anonymous foolishness. If you have a problem with the person how about you act like an adult with some common sense and confront them.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by PeopleMakeMeSick on 2025/10/26 at 4:00 am:

    Inside or outside, you’re disturbing the peace asshole. You deserved it. Shut your damn dog up! That is my BIGGEST PET PEEVE is assholes who let their dogs bark constantly and don’t do anything about it. The poor thing is barking for a reason, my guess would be you’re never home and don’t pay enough attention to him/her.

    • Banner

      Agreed! Barking dogs is one of my biggest pet peeves too. It is incredibly rude to force your neighbors to listen to that just because you can’t/won’t control your dog. And yes, a dog that barks constantly is not a happy dog.

    • Tomme Foster

      “. . . you’re disturbing the peace a$$hole”??? That sounds like an oxymoron. A peace a$$hole? People who are a-holes generally aren’t associated with peace. Since people always say you shouldn’t assume anything, I won’t assume you meant “. . . you’re disturbing the peace, a$$hole.” That would be rude.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by ToyFox on 2025/11/09 at 12:01 am:

    Those silly little “Bark Off” devices actually do work. My neighbor’s dog would bark at it’s own shadow, so we just got one of those little $10 wonders and put it in the window. The day we did that we heard two regular barks, and then some strange mewing coming out of the dog. Didn’t hear him barking again until the battery died.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by a b on 2025/01/19 at 5:53 am:

    this is what caused the Vietnam War

  • Nonbeliever

    Shut your dog up loser!

  • Pay Back

    A wi

  • Michael Racette

    Yeah well, if you play loud music “inside your own house” all the time,sooner or later the cops are gonna give you a really nice noise complaint fine. Figure out a way to shut the thing up and your neighbours might not hate you as much.

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