


There are messy breakups and then there’s erecting a giant middle finger bronze garden sculpture aimed at your ex-wife.

Alan Markovitz, a renowned strip club owner living in Detroit, recently had the giant hand sculpture installed in the back garden of his Orchard Lake home. According to Deadline Detroit, the 59-year-old was angered when his wife Lea Tuohy (now ex) of two years had an affair with a man he knew. Markovitz reportedly spent $7,000 (£4,300) on the 12-foot-high garden ‘ornament’ which is illuminated by a spotlight at night.

Twitter user Lenka Tuohy, believed to be the daughter of Markovitz’s ex-wife, tweeted a picture of the statue earlier this week. She wrote: ‘How psychotic do you have to be to buy the house directly next to your ex wife and then put a statue up like that?!?! Real classy alan.’


  • Eric

    I’m with the ex-husband on this one – well played, sir.

  • Nonono

    Just think how much therapy could be had for $7,000.

  • Eric

    Bronze statue $7,000
    Townhouse next to cheating ex-wife: $150,000

    Pissing off the cheating wench every day of her life: priceless.

  • Picklestink

    This man is my hero. Next, I hope he puts extra large loudspeakers on the exterior of his home and broadcasts the wonderful sounds of him banging many hookers to his ex-wife. Enjoy bitch.

  • CAY

    I need one of those! I’d put mine on a rotating pedestal so that I could “F” off all the neighbors on a first come first served basis! HA

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