


“The community is gathering this weekend to protest against the nasty neighbors who left the letter!”

- Anonymous, Newton, Massachusetts.


  • no way!

    P.I.S.S. O.F.F.

  • Nonono

    I call BS on the letter.

  • Michelle

    I don’t find it all that nasty. We haven’t seen the decorations they are referring to, perhaps they are over the top.

  • John

    I agree with the letter 100%.

    Why should I be subjected to someone pathetic
    belief in a mythical god.

  • troof be told

    id poop on their lawn every day for months.

  • broketaxpayer

    So much for our constitutional right to freedom of religion I suppose. (It doesn’t say freedom from religion, after all.)

  • Felonius Monk

    WAAAAHHH! I don’t like your decorations so you can’t have them.

    Fucking liberals.

  • egads

    I second the BS. Submitter should have sent in a picture of offending lawn decorations, along with the letter. At least we would have had something funny to look at.

  • Lady Anne

    I’ll grant you that some decorations are beyond tasteless, but if you’d like to put a menorah on your lawn, I’d be delighted. The town nearest us has both a menorah and a manger scene, and there is a big turn-out every night during Chanukah for the lighting of the candles. Learning about other people is a LOT more productive than complaining.

  • Jade

    Some people need to find a new hobby, because getting offended is not a good one. Why are people upset about nativities at christmas? Whether you believe in god or christianity or a flying spaghetti monster, nativities are still an icon of christmas, and you don’t have to literally believe in them to decorate with them. Btw, I don’t believe in god.. but I have no problem with, and actually enjoy nativities, and even religious christmas music (gasp). Perhaps people need to just get over it.

  • Kim

    Don’t like it, DON’T LOOK. Its their property and they aren’t hurting anyone, WTF is wrong w people!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheap? Tacky? Ughhhhh assholes. Is this what America is coming to…crazy.


    Well said @kim

  • Vet

    Hey John. Why should I not fuck you wife in the ass. After all it is in my belief that that is my right. I would tell this liberal pussy fag to fuck off to their face. Merry Christmas!

  • Lowbred

    Posting as an atheist, I grew up with these same traditional christmas decorations. I don’t consider them to be just for christians. Many Americans hate America, but don’t bitch about all the U.S. flags & fireworks, right?

  • Bud

    John has issues like the person that sent in the B.S. letter.

  • Tim Bob

    first phil robertson gets fire for being anti-gay. is this what we have become, its ok to be a whore or gay and be open about it on tv. but if someone stands up for what they believe (anti-gay or christian)its not ok? well i guess its ok if you are saying your Christian believes offend me but you cant say your homosexual believes offend me. how can people say one if on but the other isnt and be right?

  • AlfaCowboy

    As an atheist, I have zero problem with anyone’s christmas/holiday decorations on their property. I may privately roll my eyes at an overdone, garishly decorated house, but it’s your house, your lawn. Have at it.

    I also have no problem saying “merry christmas” to folks who celebrate. My unbelief is not threatened in the slightest by other folks’ belief, or by well wishes of any sort. Also, even though I don’t believe in any supernatural mumbo jumbo, I’m actually a fan of anything that makes people look beyond the next small consumer good. If zombie jesus makes you actually pay attention to your neighbors and your community, then go zombie jesus.

  • Michelle

    I knew religious conservatives would be complaining about their First Amendment rights being trampled by Liberals, let’s see how they feel when a Muslim neighbor starts putting their religious displays in the yard for everyone to enjoy. Or a Satanist. Does the First Amendment not protect them also?

  • John

    Michelle– Muslims are not allowed to display any representation of Mohammed, so spurious argument. Jewish folks put up Menorahs and such….

  • Kidd

    If putting up xmas decorations is the WORST thing going on in your life, be happy happy happy!!! Since we know that can’t be the case, I submit that people need to find a real fucking problem to whine about. My neighbor and his inflatable doesn’t even scratch the surface of what’s important….

  • Mike

    Michelle, they can do whatever they please. If you want to put up a satanist statue go ahead. It is your right and I as a American will respect it. I may not get it but go ahead and do it. Same for a muslim decoration.

  • Oogie

    Jeez, considering the atheists are only 1.5% of the US population (which is 81% Christian, by the way), seems that a lot of them sure like to bitch a lot. Kudos to the nice folks that did post here and are more reasonable atheists, I think that you are good people, nice to see. And don’t argue with me, other Christians; remember the parable of the good Samaritan!

    I can’t imagine that the supposedly real letter was written by someone from any other religious group; it’s pretty far from Westboro.

  • LadyScot

    I would given the chicken shit anonymous asshole the finger. The displays are on their own lawn. Mind your own business if you do not like it.

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